Facebook is looking to use artificial intelligence (AI) systems to help in reporting cases of offensive photos than when humans do it. This has been as a major milestone for the social network to implement such a policy that works to battle the abuse of using offensive photos. This is a great way of ensuring that you get spared the pain of having to see the offensive photos all the times.
Since Facebook has been making good amount of money in the ads section, they decided to invest more in the science of AI. The machine vision is now becoming a reality for them too. The machine will be used to stop the offensive content from getting out. The aim of Facebook with machine is to create a civil place where people can share what is on their minds without having the fear of being bullied.
This comes as a win for Facebook and fail for Twitter. The Twitter platform has often been criticized for failing to adequately deal with abusive content and harassment on the platform. The CEO of Twitter claimed that the company is not able to deal with abuse as it lacks enough resources to investment such as AI.
To help curb the abusive content, Twitter acquired a visual intelligence startup called Madbits and Whetlab. The two were to help with blocking the offensive images. Their plan has not worked so well for a long time as now only 7 percent of the images are blocked.
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