It seems like having a website and a blog is something common with everyone. Each person is always asking about your online presence. This means what content do you have online that makes you relevant. The online presence idea has prompted most people to choose to have blogs most of the time. If you are going to invest time and money in a blog, you should be earning from it too. Here are ways to monetize your blog in 2016.

  1. Create a membership website

membership website

Creating a membership website is a great way to start earning money from your blog. This means that some of the content should be rated premium and only those with membership rights can view the information. You should also create high quality and relevant content if you want people to pay for it.

  1. Write product reviews

Product reviews are quite important to help other people to make a decision about which product to buy. You would want to research more about the niche before going all in. You will have to review product that people are likely to buy easily. Make sure you understand the audience before writing the reviews. Choose an affiliate program that will provide the best products to promote.

  1. Offer services

blog writing

Before going to offer services to others, first monetize your blog. If you are really good at blogging, you can make an impressive income if you take the time to write good posts. You can now start to offer blogging services to other people who might need your services. It is important that you always stay professional at all times and provide high quality services. You might end up having clients that need regular posts from you, thus you end up with more money.

  1. Sell ad space

The most common way of earning from a blog is by selling the ad space. This means that you allow ads to be placed on your blog and get paid for it. Opt for the top brands in the industry of ad sellers if you want to make more money.

  1. Build and sell the website

sell the website

You will be surprised by just how people are ready to buy your website at an amazing rate. You will simply need to create an impressive website and blog before flipping it for money. If you monetize your blog properly and grow the blog more to get many readers coming back each other day in order to increase the value of the blog. You will fetch more for a website with more viewership.