

Smartphone Features that will determine the Future

Technology is changing quite fast as compared to a decade ago. Many people are now using technology in doing so many things in their lives. The most notable technology is the implementation of smartphones in our lives recently. More features… Continue Reading →

Lyft and GM plan to put self-driving taxis on the road in a year

It seems like many companies are now looking to put in more on having driverless cars in the near future. The latest companies to make that promise is Lyft and GM who are looking to have a great driverless system… Continue Reading →

Sesame’s App Now Uses Your Voice as Password

Are you using sesame app? Since the introduction of Alexa’s Skills API, the platform has grown to be better each day as you can also do anything with it. With simple voice commands, you can now end up do things… Continue Reading →

Types of Drone You Should Know About

In the last five years, the idea of having a drone has been much the desire of many people. You can expect that it is something you would want to get today after seeing other people using them. You need… Continue Reading →

Important Antivirus Protection for Your PC and Phone

The idea of losing your data due to a virus is something that most many people would want. It is possible to easily protect your PC and data on overall when you get an antivirus software. Such a software is… Continue Reading →

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