

Google and Baidu all in the race for global speech recognition market

The speech recognition technology has been around for a while now, but the competition is now just getting hotter. The earlier ways of using the speech recognition technology such as voice dialing and desktop dictation are definitely not the best… Continue Reading →

Important Tech Improvements and Innovations from the 2016 Google I/O Keynote

Google hosted the I/O 16 yesterday making headlines allover. Below are some of the key tech points that you should know about. Google is coming after the Amazon Echo We were all happy with the capabilities of Amazon Echo, but… Continue Reading →

Google Tweaking Android to Accommodate People with Disabilities

We might have disabled relatives around our lives, which means we have to do everything possible to make their lives even better. Just because someone is disabled, it does not mean he or she does not have to enjoy life…. Continue Reading →

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